The Art of Taking Action Before Lost Motivation.

Arrgghhh…. How To Recover Lost Motivation!
How often do we hear the phrase, "I’ve fallen off the wagon", or "I just can't be bothered it's all too hard" or "I'm too tired to care anymore"?
Probably more often than we'd like.
Why is it that we start out with this great idea of getting a strong, fit, healthy body and we make great gains for a few weeks, and then… the old patterns of behaviour return. Suddenly, we’re too busy, too tired, too unwell, have too many appointments and the list goes on. Every excuse comes along and then we are no longer following a good diet, we are no longer exercising and we feel defeated.
Where did all that energy and enthusiasm go?
What do you do when this happens... How do I recover lost motivation?
Well, it’s good to know that you don’t need to be motivated in order to take action. If you wait until you feel like it, then it may never happen, or you may press PAUSE and leave the finger on pause for the next few months or years. When you discover that you can DECIDE to make a move in the direction you want to go, you will be amazed at what you can achieve.
Take ACTION and MOTIVATION will come!
In my world as a fitness/resistance training coach, I often struggle to get in a workout as I’m so busy getting my clients fit and strong. It’s common with many trainers.
When I’m feeling unmotivated, my first step will simply be to put on my workout clothes and shoes, grab a drink and some music, and step into my home-based gym. From here, I make a rough plan of what I want to do and importantly, I tell myself that I only need to stay here for five to ten minutes. I start working out and then the miraculous happens. The endorphins get released, the blood is pumping around my body and I feel great! I usually end up staying at least half an hour.
Some tips on getting motivated
- Build traction and momentum by making one move towards action, then another one.
- Celebrate small successes. For example, I only exercised for 10 minutes, but that was better than not doing it at all.
- Make your workouts and meals a priority. Make a list and plan ahead. Schedule in a diary, or a daily planner.
- Take away distractions. (for me it’s Facebook and TV)
- Accept help. A workout buddy or a health & fitness coach may be your best motivator to keep you on track.
STRONG A.D.L. Movements
Establish ACTIVE DAILY LIFE Movements that last and support the lifestyle that you desire!