May 15, 2020

"Sheree can adjust exercises according to you if you happen to have an injury or a bit of a weakness of something"

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Erin: So I started going to Spice Fitness because I originally saw it on facebook in my facebook feed and I thought that looks like a good way to train. It looked like fun, so I thought I’d give it a go and really enjoyed it, met some great people. So I said to my daughter, hey you should come along and try it too so she did

Lauren: Coz I found that other methods of exercise would make me feel really fatigued and after a few sessions I found this was the type of exercise I could do without getting tired and I really enjoy it.

Erin: And we work together sometimes and it’s fun. And competitive.

Lauren: And I have found that my strength has improved even if it’s just walking up some stairs without getting tired.

Erin: But it’s good to train with someone because you’re almost answerable to them because sometimes you’ll be like, oh I don’t feel like going out and then you’ll go no I really want to go and then it’s like okay because I need to drive you so yeah let’s go.

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Erin: So with Spice Fitness what I like about it is that you can train at your own pace. Sheree can adjust exercises according to you if you happen to have an injury or a bit of a weakness of something she can adjust it to you and that’s good. You don’t feel pressured.

Lauren: So the good thing about being a part of Spice is that I don’t feel judged. It’s a very good environment the women are lovely there and they support you. I kind of look up to everyone because I’m probably the youngest member there. I am the youngest member there so I guess having women of their age being able to do the things that they do is quite inspiring for me and I hope to be able to achieve what they achieve.

Erin: So since I’ve started strength training I’ve realised that my legs are definitely stronger because we’ve got such a steep slope in this hill – in this house. I can actually keep my balance a bit better and I’m chasing the dog and I can actually help my husband in the yard so I feel stronger in my arms as well for him to help move branches away.

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Spice Fitness

At Spice Fitness we are specialists at empowering the mature woman for life through private personal training, strength mobility stability exercise fitness, weight loss programs, nutrition planning, accountability and loads of support. We are primarily an Online service but also operate a Studio facility where we get to support women in our local community.

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