It's Time to Put You First...
16 Week Strength Transformation Program for Woman 50, 60 & Beyond

STRONG  Beyond 50 

Overcome Years, even Decades of Inactivity and Unleash Your Bodies True Potential.

If you've been putting yourself last, and now your body... 

  • Is weak, hurts and has pain. 
  • Limits your daily and work life choices.
  • Robs you from opportunities and fun with family and friends.
  • Dictates what your future will look like.
  • Is dictating that you've become a burden instead of a support for your family.

Don't continue to live with pain, disappointment, regret and frustration, from a body that's letting you down.

Start your strength transformation journey today, and...

  • Regain a strong reliable body that works.
  • Have confidence that your body can cope with any life challenges.
  • Plan a bigger, more audacious future, because your body now can.
  • Say "Yes" to more opportunities, fun and adventures.
  • Say goodbye to niggles, twinges and the bits that hurt & cause pain.

The truth is! Your body is resilient, and you can
change your future outlook.

Don't fall for the lies that "I'm too old" or "It's too late" or "My body is too far gone," as you can STILL have a
Strong Active and Reliable body that will... Move Stronger, Feel Younger, Live Louder & Last Longer, regardless of your age.



@spicefitness we've spent over a decade developing and implementing our signature "STRONG ZONE FOURMULA" training protocol.

See, when you're dealing with an inactive body thats weakening, has mobility limitations, is possibly overweight, suffers heightened stress fatigue, and a mindset saying is just all too hard to deal with, it's easy to see how you can become overwhelmed. 

Then, life throws into the mix as we age through our 30's 40's 50's and beyond, a silent creeping muscle decay, that we all face called, Sarcopenia.

So, navigating an ongoing long-term path beyond this can be daunting for most.

However... there is a solution for easy ongoing  long-term change.

The key, is reprogramming your body and daily lifestyle to function in "The Strong Zone."

See, inactivity got you here, so, understanding your bodies current condition and building strong foundations is crucial.

It's in the foundations, where ongoing long-term skills are established:

  • Build functional strength and awareness:
  • Live long-term - Maintain and even improve strength and functionality attained post program with only 20-30min strength workouts 2 or 3 times per week. EASY
  • Develop belief in how you can obtain it, then sustain it:
  • Live long-term - Once you've realised you can, you'll eagerly apply the skills we'll empower you with to motivate, overcome obstacles and address set-backs, to maintain and increase what you've gained. EASY
  • Understand nourishment that will support and sustain it:
  • Live long-term - When you've experienced a stronger body, and understand that nourishment isn't just to build muscle post workout, but fight off the muscle decaying condition we all face called Sarcopenia, then, nourishment willingly becomes a new focal priority. EASY
  • Willingness to give it adequate rest and recovery:
  • Live long-term - This is the first short-cut we all take when we venture into any wellness program, generally because we don't value it. Once you understand it, apply it and experience it, you will value it, and not be as willing to forgo it. EASY
  • Start right. Journey strong. Finish fulfilled. - Sheree King

In our "STRONG Beyond 50" strength transformation program, whilst the primary focus will be strong movement, the other pillars taught are not considered secondary, but critical, to supporting the outcome that sets you up for ongoing long-term strength transformation.





By following our Strong Zone protocol, we'll establish a STRONG Foundation across your body, belief and lifestyle habits, so you can continue building ongoing long-term strength transformation. 


Understand Your Body, Functional Movement and Strength Potential

Attaining the freedom that comes with having strong "Active Daily Life" (functional) movement, is the result of knowing, then addressing your bodies current limitations, and realising strength transformation is achievable and easily maintainable.
Over the 8-week program you'll:

  • Identify where your body has stability weakness and muscle imbalance, and have strategies to address it and strengthen it.
  • Establish foundational strength across all 12 "Active Daily Life" ADL functional movements. How to perform them safely and awareness for when you do them unknowingly in every day life.
  • Build head to toe foundational strength across your body. 
  • Strength your body with confidence over the 8 weeks in the knowledge that each workout is a progression designed to increase and improve your bodies strength and functional development without unduly stressing it.
  • Realise that physical endurance doesn't just come from walking or cycling type activities, but strength endurance reaps greater rewards.
  • Obtain techniques and strategies to stop avoiding certain life skill activities for fear of your body letting you down. ie. getting down and up from the floor, lifting and carrying without asking others, etc
  • Understand the value of strength exercise as a regular prescription that you need to incorporate into your lifestyle.
  • Get an insightful awareness for what lies ahead if I do nothing about strengthening my body.
  • Gain a significant appreciation that strength transformation is actually possible, and how much more improvement can be achieved, and how easy it is, should I seek to commit to it long-term.


Champion Your Own Success and Thwart Inevitable Obstacles

A strong body may start with a belief rapped in hope, but once the realisation that "I Can" appears, and strong body is sustained by a stronger belief, that you'll be unwilling to loose.

Over the 8 week program you'll:

  • Understanding what really motivates you by tapping into the deeper reason for wanting a strong reliable body.
  • Building confidence in the "I Can," by addressing the self doubting "I Can't."
  • Become comfortable with change and no longer fall foul to the fear of the unknown.
  • Dream and picture a future with a stronger body then map a pathway to get it.
  • Implementing strategies to keep yourself accountable.
  • Develop the resilience to overcome obstacle and setbacks to maintain your forward momentum on your strength transformation journey. 
  • Establish a determination, toughness and unwillingness to not lose what you've just gained. 


Evaluate Your Nutrition, Improve Meals and Priority Nourishment

There are NO meal plans in this program, in-fact, we don't do meal plans. Why? Because they usually suck, rarely last and let's face it, being there's a hundred different tastes out there, in all likelihood it wouldn't be to your liking. Instead, we'll educate and challenge your nourish habits.

Over the 8 week program you'll:

  • Evaluate your current breakfast, lunch, dinner and snacks, and then set you a challenge to make a simple improvement.
  • Get a picture of not only how you can improve but also, energise and optimise those meals.
  • Educate you in which macronutrients are critically important, the quantities to take, and ideas on how you can incorporate them into your daily diet.
  • Guide you to which micronutrients will support your efforts for a stronger body.
  • Help you identify what, if anything, in your current diet that might work against and sabotage your strength transformation success.
  • Address the key fuel sources pre, during and post workouts.
  • Get access to breakfast, lunch, dinner and snack/smoothies recipes.


Loosen Your Mobility And Stretch Your Flexibility

The body is resilient, and will respond should you take the time and effort to reprogram it. You, can be resilient and reclaim lost mobility and flexibility.

Over the 4 week program you'll:

  • Identify your bodies mobility weaknesses and have strategies to address it.
  • Address mobility imbalances and incorporate correct movement exercises and stretching to help instigate improvement.
  • Assist muscles in recovery and loosen them for readiness to react when needed.
  • Begin the transition to having a supple and agile body.
  • Develop the understanding to implement a strategy plan that will support ongoing strength transformation through regular mobility and flexibility recovery.



Yes, there is a lot we pack in, but it's not overwhelming. On average expect 30-45 minutes on workout/mobility days and 15-20 minutes on the other days. Additionally, we spice things up by including CHALLENGES, some throughout the week some only on a day of the week, their simple, with an intended habit change result.

  • Strong Zone lessons or workouts every Monday through Sunday over the entire 8-week period. Some video some reading, but NOT overwhelming.
  • Easy to follow 25-45min+ workout videos every Mon, Wed, & Fri with modifications and form direction, so you can do them safely, effectively and confidently at home.
  • Functional Strength Habit CHALLENGE, each week you'll have a simple functional movement to practice and focus on.
  • Extensive Pre, Middle & Post Assessments, addressing functional mobility, strength & endurance, in a follow along video format.
  • Weekly lessons that position you with the belief and resilience to reframe your thinking that strength transformation is possible and you have the toolkit to do it.
  • Belief Strength CHALLENGE Exercise, each Sunday you'll have a simple 5 minute exercise to toughen your mental strength.
  • Ability to Check In with Coach Sheree daily in a private group, getting support, questions answered, motivation, along with  encouragement from other members!
  • The program is structured to start on a Monday, making it easier to incorporate into your daily/weekly routine. So, whether NOW is a Tuesday or Saturday, there's assessments and a pre-workout to get you through till Monday. Or simply, jump right in.
  • Weekly lessons on nourishing your body, where we'll help you evaluate your meals and give strategies and ideas to improve, energise and optimise those meals.
  • Nourish Habit CHALLENGE, every week we'll focus on a meal and get you to improve it with one simple "Healthy/Nourishing" change of your choice and taste.
  • No need to wait, start today! Only basic equipment is needed to undertake the program, they are, a pair (or two) of dumbbells and a resistance band. 
  • Daily reminders and encouragement delivered to your email Inbox, including links to the workouts and other lessons for easier access.
  • Saturday recovery and Mobility CHALLENGEfor you to follow along, on that or any day of the week.



Lots, if you follow the program as laid out (with a little wiggle room), you will experience a significant of change or transformation after 8 weeks.

Remember though, 8 weeks is only a starting point for a lifelong journey which doesn't need to be as intensive as these eight weeks.

Because, maintaining strength transformation is far easier than gaining strength transformation.

Take a look at what may happen in your 8 week journey:

  • You'll have have more endurance throughout the day than you had before.
  • You'll notice various mobility movements appears freer and stronger.
  • You may experience some improvement in various aches, pains and niggles across your body.
  • You'll have a purposeful mindset focus on what is possible and how you'll get there.
  • You may notice that your clothes have become a little more looser fitting.
  • You'll find certain daily tasks become easier because you've become a little stronger.
  • You'll be motivated for more strength transformation and change your routine and habits to get it.
  • You may experience improved sleep due to the exercise, stress release and possible diet change.
  • By following through with nutrition guidance you may become more regular and less bloated.
  • Your countenance will be happier and stronger because you'll see change is possible.

This is not an exhaustive list of transformation changes after 8 weeks, nor is it a guaranteed list, as we're all different. We do however, strongly believe and know through decades of coaching, you WILL experience significant change in your body and mindset.

STILL NOT SURE? Take A 60sec Peek Inside And See How This Program Can Establish Your Foundation For Long-Term Strength Transformation

Why They Recommend
Training with Sheree


I just wanted to be strong enough to do all the things in life that I want to do. Like lifting my grandchildren and being able to do work here in the ceramics area delivering clay. And I have actually been able to deliver 600 kg of clay, moving it 300 kg at a time.


Improved strength and walks stairs & hills without getting tired


I started as an act of absolute desperation with no real sense of hope or expectation of pleasure, and all these years later I can’t get enough of it.
I’ve gone from being too unfit to walk to the top of the street without puffing, to being physically strong and fit enough to climb mountains, go kayaking, and lug furniture around.


Lost weight and fitted into her mother of the bride dress without any dieting


I’ve been coming to Spice Fitness for about six months on and off... Sheree’s been really, really supportive and helpful, just makes it really good fun and every time is different and she’s just full of energy and vitality and just - the time just passes so quickly. It’s just really good fun so I’ve really enjoyed it.


Strengthened painful knees for world challenge trek

100% NO-RISK

for 30-Days

I know that everything we've packed into our STRONG Beyond 50 Online Program will be incredibly impactful on your life, because not only do I live what I coach everyday (and yes, I have my off days), but I see it, and I read about it from the women in our @spicefitness community over and over again.

So as long as you follow exactly what’s inside, or even if you give yourself a little wiggle room here and there, you’re going to see impactful results. Plus, you’ll feel great about all that you’re accomplishing.

But hey, I know you've been on a journey just getting to this point and I trust that you know what’s best for yourself and your body. But at the end of the day, if you don’t think this is the best 16-week at home strength transformation program you’ve ever tried, I mean EVER, don’t sweat it. You can return it within 30 days and get your money back, no questions asked. Simply email my support centre and let us know and you’ll get a full refund on your small investment today. 

Co-Founder and Principal Coach
Spice Health & Fitness

Free 10-day trial

 Creative working space, not noisy, fully equipped and convenient

  • Assisted workflow
  • Superfast wifi


Creative working space, not noisy, fully equipped and convenient




Exclusive creative working space, not noisy, fully equipped and convenient. A place just for you!

  • Working time 24/7 all days
  • Free Tea & Coffee
  • Superfast wifi
  • New items everyday
  • Flexible hours



Free 10-day trial

 Creative working space, not noisy, fully equipped and convenient

  • Assisted workflow
  • Superfast wifi


Creative working space, not noisy, fully equipped and convenient




Exclusive creative working space, not noisy, fully equipped and convenient. A place just for you!

  • Working time 24/7 all days
  • Free Tea & Coffee
  • Superfast wifi
  • New items everyday
  • Flexible hours



How Your Body Works Today

& What You'd Like it to Be Tomorrow,

is Dependent On What You're Doing NOW

STRONG Beyond 50 

Today You'll Pay


Upon purchase you’ll receive INSTANT ACCESS to the STRONG Foundations online program.
This Program is 100% Digital. No Physical Products will be Shipped.

About Sheree
Founder & Coach @spicefitness

Sheree, a Registered Nurse, Master Trainer, C.H.E.K. (Corrective Holistic Exercise & Kinesiology) certified functional exercise specialist & PN (Precision Nutrition) certified nutrition specialist, is passionate about empowering women all over the world with strong active and reliable bodies. She brings decades of experience and expertise in training women 50, 60 & beyond, and with big dreams and a big vision she's the creator of the signature "STRONG ZONE FOURMULA" coaching programs that transforms everyday lives into empowered success.

Still Got Questions?
I've Got Answers...


YES, it doesn't matter what your age is as all the workouts are suitable for women of any age.
As a side note, over the last 2 decades Spice Health & Fitness programs have empowered women of all ages, along with being regarded as the 'Go To' strength training specialists for women approaching their 50's 60's and beyond.


If you follow all the workouts and lessons as we've scheduled and complete the pre-assessments before the starting Monday, you can expect to feel changes in your body within several days.
Then, by the halfway mark you should begin to notice changes, particularly with how much stronger your body feels.
Additionally, by the end of the program you may even find your clothing a little looser.


The program is structured over the four weeks but we recognise that may not suit everyones lifestyle.

In that instance, simple chop and change the days to make it work for you.

However, seek to keep to the timeframe with some slippage, so your body can experience strength transformation.

NOTE: Extending the weeks to complete the program, whilst there'll be some benefit, you'll only be robbing your body and yourself.


Equipment is a key element to the program. 

In coaching functional strength for everyday life activities, we always seek to replicate the movement patterns you undertake throughout a normal day. ie. squatting, carrying, lifting, pulling, pushing etc.

The majority of the time in these movement you will be doing them with a load that just can't be replicated through bodyweight only exercises.


NO. We'll discuss what priority nourishment adjustments are best introduced into your diet, but your free to make those adjustment during or after the program.


Not at all. In fact this program will be ideal for you.

It doesn't matter what beginner level you're at, or if you've never exercised in your life, you will gain tremendous value and encouragement from this course.

In 2+ decades of coaching we've seen it all and know that anyone can improve their bodies strength and condition.


Inside the membership you'll gain access to the STRONG First Steps group. Any questions about workouts, nutrition, assessments, warming up and stretching can be posted there, where our team will be able to respond quickly.

The group chat is not only there for support but to encourage you as you see other women's transformations and success.
If questions are more membership/technical based, you'll find a Help/Support page in the menu.
ALTERNATIVELY, if your question is of a private nature we recommend you email us directly.


You will have 12 MONTHS access to the program. If you forget your login password during that time simply go through the forgot password protocol. 

If you forget which email you've used simply contact us and we'll seek to assist and get you up and going again.
