Sheree: Okay. So we're halfway through our six-week program. What have you girls found? Jenny, Jen
Jen: I'm finding I'm eating better. I'm slowly starting to feel better.
Jenny: I'm feeling better too. I haven't had any junk since I started. Because when you do this much work at the gym, you don't want to wreck it by eating any junk. I'm finding I can do... just moving around is easy, getting off of the ground, bending over. I can jump with both feet for the first time in probably two years.
So I'm feeling much better & it's only three weeks into it
Sheree: Awesome.
Colby: I'm feeling a lot stronger and I'm making better food choices.
Sheree: Excellent. Thanks girls.
Lesley: Okay. I'm feeling a lot stronger especially in my core.
Therese: I'm feeling stronger, healthier and I've got a lot more energy.
Sarah: I'm feeling really strong and in control.
Gillian: When I started mine, I was having real back problems and that's what's better now. I can do some of the exercises.
Are you saying
as a result you've stopped yourself joining a Fitness Facility
Sheree: Awesome, thank you. So Jenny, what have you enjoyed about the six-week program on the whole?
Jenny: On the whole, it's been a motivation just to get healthy, in general. Because we've talked a lot about things like health and diet and we had to watch a little movie about Sherry Davis. So it's just increased my whole awareness of healthy living.
I didn't expect to lose much weight in the six weeks. I thought it would just change habits. But what it's done is just made me totally focused on getting healthy. So every single meal I'm thinking, "How can I make this better? What can I cut out that I don't need, that's empty calories?" Every day I'm thinking, "Okay, I'll go for a run. Then I'll go to the gym. Then if I've got energy left, I'll do a bit more." It's just a whole change in how you think of yourself, and the focus of your life really.
I'm feeling a million times better
Well, I could still burn weight around my stomach, and I've noticed that I can actually move more easily now. I can move my feet more easily. I just don't feel I got a massively pregnant tummy, because that's what how it was starting to feel. I'm just feeling more normal now.
Health, it was everything. Now I had blood tests. The biggest change was I had fatty liver. Even though I don't drink at all, my liver looked like an alcoholic liver, and the levels went down. Like there's one of them that is supposed to be 0 to 30 and I was up in the hundreds. I was 178 at one stage. The blood tests that I had after doing this three weeks, the level is down to 50. So it's nearly a normal liver now.
The people have noticed my skin is better. I'm not running out of energy. I used to feel, after I got the kids to school in the morning by 9am, I felt I've done a full day and I was just exhausted. But I just feel like, "Okay, that's just the start of the day. It's 9am now. I'm ready to do everything else." So it's just a whole increase in energy.
I think I have to move more easily, just even twisting and turning. Just doing everything is easier, and I have to say quickly, within a week and a half I just felt that much better. That it's like a motivation to keep coming and to start exercising on your own and eat better.
It's just a totally motivating introduction to getting healthy. It's really good.