The 12-KEY Active Daily Life Movements for Women over 50


Are The 12-Key Active Daily Life Movements?

Active Daily Life movements are exactly that, movements we will do daily and others weekly or regularly, like carrying, squatting, pulling etc to name a few. 

Generally, we take doing these movements for granted, until limitations arise that start impacting our daily life, independence, health and future outlook.

Below are snapshots of these movements from workouts inside the program.

A key element to life-long strength transformation success is knowing how your body functionally works and the everyday life movement corrections needed, then reprogramming your body to move with strength and stability that gives not only confidence, but maintains independence.

Frustratingly, we’ve seen many women jumping into a fitness program only to see motivation and commitment curtailed because they either weren’t shown or didn’t feel the need to establish good functional 'Active Daily Life' movements, resulting in unexpected injuries when doing these movements in everyday life, thereby derailing progress and halting motivation. 

Our STRONG A.D.L. Movements program changes that.


how We'll Strengthen your A.D.L. Movements



Carrying involves holding a load, such as a child, pot plant, or 10kg bag of mulch to spread around the plants. It may also involve walking a distance with the load, for example taking grocery bags from the store to the car.

  • However, when we carry without engaging the core, like leaning to one side when carrying a suitcase or arching backward when carrying chest height, can cause injuries like pulled muscles and herniated discs.
  • Strength workouts that focus on the core and lower body can make it easier to carry things and lower the risk of getting hurt.
  • Loaded carries build strength in the core muscles, abdominals and the upper and lower back, and the stabiliser muscles work harder to protect the torso from leaning too much to one side (over-rotation).



The crawl is a cross body exercise, where the opposite hand and leg move simultaneously, and uses every muscle—including shoulders, abdominals, quadriceps, calves and glutes. It's useful in everyday life for things like playing with kids or pets on the floor or getting around in small places.

  • However, when you crawl wrong, you can hurt your arms and knees, or, if you missed out on crawling as a baby, you have missed an important milestone and may have experienced a lack of coordination throughout your life.
  • Strength workouts that focus on the core, lower and upper body, can assist greatly in supporting comfortable periods of crawling when needed. 
  • Additionally, incorporating cross-lateral movements supports stability, balance and improved co-ordination.


GAIT - Walking

Gait/walking is simply the process of walking, which is essential for most daily activities. It requires coordination, balance, and strength, particularly in the core and lower body.

  • However, walking with known or unknown postural imbalances, can cause knee pain, hip pain, or lower back pain, among other problems.
  • Strength exercises like calf raises, squats, and core workouts done on a regular basis can improve walking gait and avoid these problems.
  • Additionally, identifying mobility weaknesses and stability imbalances across your body allows you to address, strength and stabilise these areas.



Getting up from the floor is an essential movement and learning to get up without holding onto furniture can be a case of survival if you’re alone, fallen over and can’t lift yourself back up again.

  • However, fear from getting down on the floor and then not being able to get back up is an independence and life skill issue. Falls risks from weakness in stability and strength may find you down on the floor one day.
  • Strength exercises, such as squats, lunges and variations of the turkish getup, can make it easier and safer to get up and down from the floor in any situation.
  • Additionally, learning different skill techniques to get down and up can be a life saving, such as being unfortunate to have broken an arm from a fall.


LIFTING - Bended

This movement pattern is initiated when we bend over to pick something up from the floor, weed the garden, or lift something up from a lower position too high. It’s common in everyday life, from picking a baby up from their cot to lifting a heavy package from the boot of the car.

  • However, bad form, especially rounding the back, can cause major injuries like herniated discs.
  • Deadlifts and other workouts that strengthen the lower back and hamstrings can help you lift safely and more heavier items while bent over.
  • Additionally, not every bended lift situation is the same, so incorporating variation's prepares for these scenarios.


LIFTING - Overhead

There are many times when we need to lift overhead, such as putting carry-on bags on a plane into the overhead locker, or when that heavy cooking pot needs to go back onto the high shelf in the kitchen, and picking up and having fun with kids and/or grand kids.

  • However, lifting big things over your head with bad form can hurt your shoulders and/or back.
  • Strength workouts like shoulder presses and side raises can make it easier and safer to lift things overhead.
  • The deltoids (shoulder muscles), upper back and triceps activate when you lift something overhead. In addition, the core and hips work hard to maintain stability.



If you’re out walking and need to take a big step over a log, or step over the dog on the lounge room floor because he just won’t budge, you will lunge. The glutes, hamstrings, quadriceps, calf muscles and abdominals are activated while back muscles act as stabilisers.

  • However, knee injuries can occur if the knee is allowed to extend past the toes while lunging, or if there's significant muscle weakness around the knees.
  • Lunging efficiency and security can be boosted by regularly engaging in lower-body strength exercises like squats with variations like single leg and side lunges.
  • The lunge activates all the muscles around your hip joint, so improves strength and stability, as well as being a great way to tone and strengthen the butt and legs.



There are a variety of pulling methods, such as a vertical pull you would do on a pull-up bar which strengthens muscles in your shoulders, upper back, core and arms. Or, a pull where you bring something towards you, such as dragging a kayak to the beach, or a disobedient dog who doesn’t want to go home yet.

  • However, back and arm strains are the common results of improper pulling and/or muscle weakness.
  • Pulling strength and technique can be enhanced by performing strength workouts like rows and pull-ups.
  • An activation of the core is essential in any movement where you are pulling something towards you.



There are a variety of ways we use a pushing movement. You might push a child in a stroller up a steep hill, a wheelbarrow loaded with dirt in the backyard, or simply rearrange your furniture.

  • However, shoulder and wrist injuries are two common types of trauma that can result from improper pushing.
  • Strengthening these muscles with push-ups and chest presses is a great way to enhance your pushing abilities.
  • The pushup develops the upper body strength needed for these functional movements in everyday life. It works on core strength and develops shoulder strength and stability.



Rolling is a basic move using upper and lower extremities, and the core, to move from one side to the other. It involves coordinated movements of the head, neck and upper body. It forms part of many daily activities like transitioning from lying in bed to getting up, play with kids and pets.

  • However, rolling incorrectly, can put unnecessary pressure on the neck or spine, and can result in significant injury.
  • Strength training improves roll safety. Planks, sit-ups, and Russian twists increase roll stability. Rows and pull-ups can help control the roll and protect the neck and head.
  • Additionally, learning how to roll when you fall can help disperse the impact and lessen the force on any one part of your body, which can help prevent injuries.



We all need to squat. The squat is a compound, full body exercise using thighs (quadriceps), hips, buttocks, and hamstrings. If you can’t squat you need to learn how, as every time we sit down or get up off the toilet, we squat. When getting into a car, we perform a one-legged squat with a twist to get in.

  • However, poor squat technique, such as knees buckling inwards or not keeping the chest upright, can lead to knee or back injuries.
  • By improving your strength and technique with exercises like goblet squats, box squats, and wall squats, you can lower your chance of injury while squatting in everyday life.
  • Additionally, squatting is arguably the most engaged movement we do daily, doing it well can help maintain movement longevity.



If you work at a checkout, play golf, or move groceries from a trolley into the car, you twist or rotate. We often twist the same way a lot of time (ie. on the same side), so it’s important to rotate the other direction to maintain balanced muscles.

  • However, twisting improperly, especially when carrying a heavy item, can result in major injury to the back.
  • The ability to twist safely and effectively can be significantly improved by performing core-strengthening exercises like Russian twists, bicycle crunches.
  • Additionally, an anti- rotational move is when you hold your core on to prevent movement, such as standing still if your dog is tugging on the lead. You are trying to resist the twist, so core and stabliliser muscles work to prevent you being pulled over.


Inside the Strong A.D.L. Movements Program

How Much can we Pack into the 12-Key Movements

  • Movement overview of WHY each movement is important not only in our active daily life, but also in maintaining ongoing independence as we age.
  • Easy to follow 10min+ video workout for each of the ADL movements.
  • Comprehensive video Form & Technique, for each of the movements so you can review multiple times and have confidence that you're doing things right..
  • Ability to Check In with all coach's including Coach Sheree in the private group, getting support, questions answered, motivation and encouragement from other members!
  • This self-paced programming, allowing you to unpack, learn and adopt these movements progressively over what ever timeline works for you.
  • Multiple video variation walkthroughs, so you're armed with alternatives for each of the movements and can choose which variation may best suit your active daily life.
  • Reference point for anytime in the future when you need to refresh again how to do certain active daily life movements safely. 
  • The movements have been ordered into the most life-saving & independence-maintaining order to master. Follow that order or simply do your own.


Take A 60sec Peak Inside


They Recommend Strength Coaching with Sheree


"I just wanted to be strong enough to do all the things in life that I want to do. Like lifting my grandchildren and being able to do work here in the ceramics area delivering clay. And I have actually been able to deliver 600 kg of clay, moving it 20 kg at a time."


Lost weight and fitted into her mother of the bride dress without any dieting


"I’ve been coming to Spice Fitness for about six months on and off... Sheree’s been really, really supportive and helpful, just makes it really good fun and every time is different and she’s just full of energy and vitality and just - the time just passes so quickly. It’s just really good fun so I’ve really enjoyed it."


Improved strength and walks stairs & hills without getting tired


"I started as an act of absolute desperation with no real sense of hope or expectation of pleasure, and all these years later I can’t get enough of it.
I’ve gone from being too unfit to walk to the top of the street without puffing, to being physically strong and fit enough to climb mountains, go kayaking, and lug furniture around."


Strengthened painful knees for world challenge trek

100% NO-RISK

for 30-Days

I know that everything we've packed into our STRONG ADL Movements Program will be incredibly impactful on your life, because not only do I live what I coach everyday (and yes, I have my off days), but I see it, and I read about it from the women in our @spicefitness community over and over again.

So as long as you follow exactly what’s inside, or even if you give yourself a little wiggle room here and there, you’re going to see impactful results. Plus, you’ll feel great about all that you’re accomplishing.

But hey, I know you've been on a journey just getting to this point and I trust that you know what’s best for yourself and your body. But at the end of the day, if you don’t think this is the best at home program for developing strong active daily life movements you’ve ever tried, I mean EVER, don’t sweat it. You can return it within 30 days and get your money back, no questions asked. Simply email my support centre and let us know and you’ll get a full refund on your small investment today. 

Co-Founder and Principal Coach
Spice Health & Fitness

How Your Body Works Today & What You'd Like it to Be Tomorrow, is Dependent On What You're Doing NOW

STRONG A.D.L. Movements Program 



Value for Life

Today You Pay $19.75 AUD

You'll Get...

  • Complete List of 12 'Active Daily Life' movements.
  • Easy to follow 10min+ video workout for each of the ADL movements.
  • 2 Week Challenge for each movement to practice in different scenarios so you begin to understand how your body will respond.
  • Support & Check In with Coach Sheree through community group hub
  • Video Form & Technique for each of the movements so you can review multiple times.
  • Multiple Video Variation Walkthroughs so you're armed with alternatives for each of the movements.
  • Self-Paced Programming allowing you to unpack, learn and adopt these movements progressively over what ever timeline works for you.
  • Life-Time Access to the program so when need to refresh how to do an active daily life movements safely, this resource is available.
  • The movements have been ordered into the most life-saving & independence-maintaining order to master, or do your own order.

About Sheree King
Co-Founder & Coach @spicefitness

Sheree, now in her early sixties, is a Registered Nurse, Master Trainer, C.H.E.K. (Corrective Holistic Exercise & Kinesiology) certified functional exercise specialist & PN (Precision Nutrition) certified nutrition specialist, is passionate about empowering women all over the world to become their best selves. She brings decades of experience and expertise in training women over 50, and together with big dreams and a big vision has spent the last decade creating and implementing THE STRONG ZONEâ„¢ program to transform everyday lives to empowered success.

Frequently Asked Questions

When can I expect to see any results? 



Do i need equipment? 

How long do I have access to the program? 

What if i have questions? 
