Our Training Methodology Established - Spice Health & Fitness

Our Training Methodology Established

By Spice Fitness

Jun 10

We’ve been training women with typically traditional strength workout equipment, and even though we appreciate and address the need for strong core stability, the concept of complete functional strength – from head to toe, is profound in our training approach and methods, so we’ve overhauled our training to adopt the new S.P.I.C.E. STRONG™ Training Methodology practice of FREE-WEIGHT FUNCTIONAL STRENGTH MOVEMENT across all our programs. READ MORE→


About the Author

At Spice Fitness we are specialists at empowering the mature woman for life through private personal training, strength mobility stability exercise fitness, weight loss programs, nutrition planning, accountability and loads of support. We are primarily an Online service but also operate a Studio facility where we get to support women in our local community.
