November 4, 2024

Have you observed that you have more motivation after you start something new. Start 2025 strong, prep your motivation now!

It's like the chicken before the egg scenario.  I know I need more motivation to start this new workout or healthy eating plan, but funnily, first I need to seed it with motivation. And it only takes a little bit too prep and start 2025 strong.

4 tips to start 2025 strong

This is why we can't sit around waiting for motivation; motivation usually follows action.

One of the simplest ways to start 2025 strong is getting inspired to make a plan.


making a plan for 2025

Planning is done by professionals. They arrange when and how to train for a race or match.

Planning gives your ambitions more time and space. You're more inclined to keep your word.

Want to eat more vegetables but don't want to buy and cook them? Try a simple timetable.

1. Research new veggie recipes daily.
2. Record vegetable shopping days.
3. Eat vegetables on scheduled days.
4. Post the plan on the fridge for easy viewing.

You can stop waiting for inspiration. Knowing what motivates you increases the likelihood of sticking to the strategy.


making new habits for 2025

Create a start-habit that motivates yourself into action. You must find it easy to refuse. Thus, you shouldn't rush to start your routine. It should always be easy.

Like, putting your workout clothes out and visible so the next morning it visually prompts you, leaving little room for excuses.

Or, prepping a healthy breakfast on Sunday, so you both have breakfast and that its healthy.

These habits minimise the ‘Easy’ unhelpful path option.

We all know it’s harder to start something new, it’ll only take a week or two of consistency before maintaining becomes easier. Your motivation regimen must be easy to start. After your start-habit, driving to the gym with a healthy breakfast in hand will be easy.

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making buddy workouts for 2025

Some things are best started together.
When someone believes in us, goals are easier to achieve.

You should discover someone with similar goals. Set aside days to meditate together to boost memory and focus. 

For protein education, you may schedule dinner dates to share information and try new protein-rich foods.

An accountability partner can help you achieve your goals. Knowing you’re meeting someone to workout together, makes it more likely you get out of bed and turn up, or plan ahead to leave work to make it.


getting rewards in 2025

A reward is always a great motivator, so treat yourself but make sure you’ve earned it.

Like, if I eat healthy meals during the week, on the weekend I get to dine out on ANY craving.

Or, if I’m consistent with my workouts for the next four weeks, I get to buy a new outfit.

The key is to focus on how your body reacts to a decision, such as making a healthy breakfast at home instead of buying it at the gas station for four days to watch a new movie at the theatre.

Your body responds when you think of the prize, motivating you.

Last Thoughts
In The War of Art, Steven Pressfield says that sometimes not doing something hurts more than doing it.

Going to a workout class despite feeling awkward is better than watching TV and feeling lousy.

It’s easier to feel uncomfortable warming up a healthy prepped stir fry for lunch at work than feeling disappointed putting on that outfit that's still too tight.

So start 2025 strong and avoid saying "I will do it tomorrow." Instead, "Finish today and quit tomorrow." You won't quit tomorrow since you'll think about the same line again & again.

Sources & Additional Reading
e Nevid JS. Psychology: Concepts and Applications

Motivational intensity modulates the effects of positive emotions onset-shifting after controlling physiological arousal. Ya Zhou, Angela F. Y. Siu

Get Motivated!: Daily Psych-ups. KL Farley, SM Curry

Building a Practically Useful Theory of Goal Setting and Task
Motivation A 35-Year Odyssey. Edwin A. Gary P. Latham

Benefits of recruiting participants with friends and increasing social
support for weight loss and maintenance. R R Wing, R W Jeffery

A meta-analytic review of experiments examining the effects of
extrinsic rewards on intrinsic motivation. E L Deci, R Koestner, R M Ryan

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About the author 

Sheree King

Sheree, a Registered Nurse, Master Trainer, C.H.E.K. (Corrective High-Performance Exercise & Kinesiology) certified functional exercise specialist & PN (Precision Nutrition) certified nutrition specialist, is passionate about empowering women all over the world to become their best selves. She brings decades of experience and expertise in training women, and together with big dreams and a big vision has created a unique fitness programs to transform everyday lives to empowered success.

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