June 16, 2019

Being a chocoholic, this is my go to chocolate craving killer.

Homemade Chocolate Balls

Who doesn't love chocolate but like my can easily over-indulge.

Make this whole foods chocolate balls recipe to ease the cravings. Be careful though, it's that nice it might replace the chocolate cravings.

INGREDIENTS for Homemade Chocolate Balls:
1/2 cup of cacao
I/2 cup Dates
1/2 cup Cranberries
1 cup of Almonds
1/2 cup of sunflower seeds
1/2 cup pumpkin seeds
1/2 cup traditional rolled oats
1/2 cup chia seeds
1/2 cup flax seeds
1/2 cup of protein hemp powder
1 cup of melted coconut oil

EQUIPMENT NEEDED for Homemade Chocolate Balls:
High Speed Blender and spatula.

Add almonds, dates and berries to blender and blend for 20-30secs.
Then add all other ingredients except the coconut oil and blend for 20secs.
Add the coconut oil and blend for a further 20-30secs.
Scoop out all ingredients into a bowl.
Take portions of the mixture and roll into balls and cover with shredded coconut.
Keep in fridge and eat as needed.

ALTERNATIVELY: Place mixture on a tray and spread even then top with shredded coconut.
Then with a knife make slice size cuts across the tray and place in freezer to set.
Then return to fridge and eat as needed

chocolate balls 3
chocolate balls 2

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About the author 

Sheree King

Sheree, a Registered Nurse, Master Trainer, C.H.E.K. (Corrective High-Performance Exercise & Kinesiology) certified functional exercise specialist & PN (Precision Nutrition) certified nutrition specialist, is passionate about empowering women all over the world to become their best selves. She brings decades of experience and expertise in training women, and together with big dreams and a big vision has created a unique fitness programs to transform everyday lives to empowered success.

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