August 23, 2020

"Now, a dream that's in your heart will always stay a dream in your heart, if that's all it is. If you're not willing to take steps forward to get to where you want to be."

Listen, Watch or Read this recent Facebook Live on 'Do you have a Dream in your Heart' (use timestamps below for guide).

Session timestamps and transcript:


Good morning, everyone. How are you all today? I just thought I'd get in here today and just talk a bit about just getting up again when everything seems to get you down.

So if you fall, get up again. There's a book that I read a long time ago by Zig Ziglar, I believe, called Failing Forward, and that was such an empowering book because I realized that all of us at some stage in life will fail. Now, failure to me is not a failure.

It's a growing time. It's a learning time. So a part of my growing and learning, I remember saying to people, I had this...

I started to take free classes in churches. And during that time of a couple of years of doing that, and I'd roll up every week and I would take free classes in churches, I started to get that knowing that I wanted to open a gym. So I'd never wanted to open a women's gym before, but we had this vision then to open a women's gym.

So we went and found a place and opened up our women's gym. And I'm talking today on get yourself up and move forward. So failing forward.

So it's all about not letting one defeat get you down and keep you down. And it's all about getting up and going forward. And I think all of us in life have to do that.

Even kids, even babies from the time that they're born. Hi, Katharina. Good to see you, Tina.

I don't know, what do you like to be called? I'll have to ask you sometime. But yeah, so we all fail in life.

Well, from the time that we get born and we start to crawl and we fall down again, then we start to walk and we fall down again. But the thing about life is we don't stay down. And I'm only doing this today because I just thought sometimes I've had a really, a bit of a down week.

And I think this is for me as much as for anyone else out there. It is just about, we need to get up and push forward again. So if we've had a down week or something hasn't quite gone how we wanted to go, we need to go forward again.

And failing forward by Zig Ziglar was a book all about when you fall, don't stay there. We can fall, we can fail, and we can stay there. And that's the worst place you want to be.


[00.02.14] - When Setbacks Come

So if we fail, have a timeout if you need to. Just take timeout, reset, regroup, and push forward again. I'm all about achieving what we need to in life before we leave this life, because we're born onto this earth on a certain day.

We have that dash, which is our lifetime on this earth, and then we die. We all get there. And one thing, my biggest regret in life is that I would go to my grave without thinking or out knowing that I at least tried to achieve that dream that was in my heart.

Now, a dream that's in your heart will always stay a dream in your heart, if that's all it is. If you're not willing to take steps forward to get to where you want to be. Hi.

Hi there, Lisa, Kim. Hi there, Linda and Donna. So yes, I was just having a thing today after...

We've had a really rainy week this week in Tasmania where I live. It's been really cloudy, really dull. I haven't seen the sun, and I'm somebody that needs the sunshine.

So I was just having a think about when life really gets to you and when it's hard, just take small moves to get to where you want to be. As I said before, I don't want to go to my grave. My worst regret on my dying bed would be to think that I had a dream in my heart and I didn't push through to achieve it.

So anyway, so going back to when we started up our gym, I'm all about we learn from every failure. We learn from every mistake. We learn.

If we don't learn, then that's a sad thing, because I think we can learn from everything that we go through. So we ran a gym for five years, and it was a very successful gym. Everyone that came into our gym, which were thousands of women in our local area, would say, wow, what an amazing place.

This has spurred me on to bigger and greater things. I think it's great when you're a woman that doesn't want to get fit and strong, but you don't feel that there's anywhere around. You don't really want to...

Quite a few females don't want to work out with men. And so when we started up the only women's female gym in our area, it was fantastic. And so, yeah, so it was great.

But after five years, we were paying out so much in rent. We had to close that facility down. And I kept training, but I moved into my home gym, and I trained in different halls around the place.

And I'm still succeeding and still doing well. So I guess what I'm saying today is that you have a dream, do that dream. And if it doesn't go quite as you planned, I thought we'd be there for 10 years, 20 years.

And it was a bit annoying closing down after five years. But you know what? I learned so much from that time in that gym.

Why? Because I pushed myself to do every course I could, everything I could. So I touched so many women's bodies.

I know that sounds a bit weird, but I've never touched so many women's butts and their core and felt muscles because I needed to be the best trainer I could. So that time, our five years when we opened up our gym, I had said to a few friends, I don't want to go to my grave knowing that I've got this thing in my heart to open up a women's gym so I can help women be empowered, empowered in their mind, empowered in their body, empowered in how they work. So it was a really important thing for me to go ahead and fulfill that dream that was in my heart.

It didn't quite go how we were planning it to go, but boy, I am the best trainer, best instructor I can be now because I had that opportunity to lead a bunch of staff, to open that place day after day, to be cutting edge with several of the things I was doing. So gyms around the area were looking at the small group training and stuff that I was doing in my gym and they instilled the same thing into their own gym. So I was on the edge of being able to lead people.

I learned a lot in that time, but what I didn't want it to do was to bring me down. We'd always had a dream to take online fitness. So I'm pushing through that right now and it's hard at times.

You have this dream and you know what, you think it's going to happen overnight, but it doesn't happen. There's a lot of work that goes on behind the scenes. You've got to have a team around you that get you to where you want to be.

But if you've got a dream, my aim to come onto this live this morning was to tell you, fulfill that dream, whatever you need to do. Get people around you that have the skills that you don't have, because I don't have skills with IT. I'm not good with IT, anyone can tell you.

I can do the basic IT. I'm passionate and I'm fantastic at what I do, at training women to have the best, strongest body that they have ever had in their entire life. One of my oldest clients is an 88 year old and I take pride in the fact that I can see her going from stoop to upright.

But you've got a dream. All of us have a dream. All of us have a dream of some kind.

[00.06.59] - One Step at a Time

So I wanted to just inspire you on this very great day in Tasmania in Hobart today to step out, take one step today, one little step that will take you to where you want to be.

One tiny step. It may not be much. It may be that you want to get a job that you don't think that you're trained to do.

Persistence, yes. And, oh, thank you, Kim. That's sweet.

And so, yes, persistence.

Stay at it. Be like a, I don't know, whatever is persistent. I don't know.

But keep going at it. Don't let it hold you down. There's a song that I often play for teenage students when I take them for dance fitness for Zumba.

And it's all about not staying down there. If life knocks you down, then get back up again. Because if you stay down there, people will trample over the top of you, and you do not want to stay there.

Look, your mind might not be in a good place. So your very first step, your very first step before you fulfill that dream may be simply to go find a good psychologist and to work out some tools that will get your mind into a good place. Because I and a lot of other people I know go through periods where you're depressed, where you feel down.

I don't stay there for too long. I get myself going, particularly when the sun shines. So when that sun shines, I'll be out there on my bike, and that is my headspace.

Now, even if I don't have time to go on my bike when the sun is shining, I get out on my bike because I know it is going to make me feel fantastic. So find the first tool that you need to take you to where you want to be on that dream that you have in your heart that's lying there. You don't want to go to your deathbed with that dream still lying on your heart because then it's just a dream.

It never comes to fruition. So one step.

Then, you know, if my head's not working well, I find a good psychologist. If you don't know need, if you don't know where to go to find a good psychologist, ask around. I ask people all the time, where do you go to find a good fridge person?

Where do you go to find a good whatever? So go find a good psychologist. And you know what?

[00.09.07] - Success Stories

And then you take the next step, and then you take the next step. I often ask my cousin who's a hairdresser in France, in Paris. She's made it big.

She's a personal hairdresser to a lot of the models and stars, and she's been flown out here by, oh, I'm just trying to think of the name. Anyway, some of the top people that are out there. And I asked her how she got to that place.

How did you get to that place? I kind of knew her answer. And she said, you know, Cherie, I was in this tiny little town in Tasmania and running a tiny little hairdressing place.

I think she had two staff at the time. And so she said the first step was a door opened up for me that I could go to France. And then another door opened up, another door opened up, another, another, another.

So she decided to take every door, even though she didn't feel qualified. She's a normal, simple hairdresser. And she suddenly then got into Paris, and suddenly she was working for a top, top-notch people who got her working with all the stars.

And then she started to work for herself. So yeah, it's incredible what she has done with her life. And I just sometimes admire her, but I also get inspired by her because there's no reason that just she can achieve that.

Coming from a tiny little country town in Tasmania in the southern part of Australia, she has succeeded beyond her wildest expectations. She still lives in Paris and married a Parisian guy, but essentially she's from a tiny little farm in Moriarty in the middle of nowhere in Tasmania, and she succeeded well. So yeah, that is just what I wanted to share this morning.

You know, it is as simple as that. First step, next step, next step. If something doesn't work for you, then try something else, but get a team around you.

So there could be somebody, like I said before, I'm not good at IT, so I have people around me that are good at IT. My husband is fantastic with working on our site and our site for Spice Fitness, and he's done a great job.

And then we get people on there giving their testimonies. I was going to have an older client this morning, but she couldn't make it. She was doing mahjong today, so I have her here on Monday.

But it's been inspiring. She's inspiring, too. I look at my clients.

I mean, two years ago, she was walking with two sticks to get around because of her osteoarthritis. And she made, well, she didn't make the decision. Her two sons made the decision to make, get mum out of this horrible situation.

So they called around, all around the area where we live, and they found me. And so she has been training hard. So she does amazing things now.

But it took her a step to even come up to my gym. She had to walk up some steps at the time. And that was a huge decision for her since she could barely move.

But she came up there, and the first day, I think we did really tiny light weights. But as we progressed, she realized she could do more, and her body started to react to that. So whether you want to get fit, whether you want to lose weight, whether you just have that unfulfilled dream, it is burning in your heart.

[00.12.22] - Your Never too Old to Live your Dream

I'm telling you today, I'm a 58-year-old. I take care of myself by strength training and good diet. I don't have any supplements at all.

I don't do anything like that, but I try and keep myself good. But at my age, I'm starting to see people dying. Yep, they are.

So 50-year-olds, 60-year-olds are dying in a hospital bed from things often that they could prevent. So whether it's getting your health in check now, making one small change a day, one small change for you for the next week could be, I'm going to add greens to every single meal because I don't eat them, or I'm going to start on some fruit, or I'm just going to take myself away from the chocolate that I eat every day and maybe make some homemade stuff that you can be doing. There's some great stuff that we do.

I've posted in Strong Beyond 50, our free Facebook group for older women, well, women of my age, so 40s, 50s, 60s, 70s, but you can go in there and see stuff. And the other thing is, if you're getting into your 40s, 50s, 60s, the time is getting short. Now, I'm not saying that you don't have 30 or 40 years to go.

If you're a 50-year-old, you could have a long time, but why not make those the most productive years of your entire life? If you're like me, my mom has now passed away. My dad is still there, but his girlfriend doesn't like to have family around, so we don't see him as much.

And so, and my kids are all older, so they're all doing their own thing. Yes, I need to be there. Yes, we need to see them.

We do stuck with them, but I'm at a time in my life now where I should be able to work hard on me. Whatever it is that's been in my heart my whole life that I've not been able to achieve because I've handed off to family. And that's what you do when you're a mom.

Now, you give up to your kids, then you have older parents and you look after them. But there comes a time when you really kind of go, there's no excuses. I have no excuses.

And even if you are full-time work, there's no excuses. You've got time on either side of the day. Get yourself up a bit early, get yourself fit and strong.

But if it's not that, and you've got a burning desire, just what I'd say to you today, go for it, girlfriend. You go for it because I believe in you. I do.

I believe in every single person that comes through my door that their body that's wrecked and broken right now can make a difference. It can be changed. So I believe in you.

I may not know you. I may know you, but I still believe in you because you've got stuff inside you. We're all born onto this earth with gifts and talents, and the world needs to know about it.

The world needs to know about it. The world is going to be a poorer place without you coming forward in all that you are and showing the world what you've got. So I'd leave you with today, just going, go for it.

Make one small step at a time, then the next step, then the next step, then the next step, and keep going until you're where you want to be. Okay? I love you all.

Have a great day. I believe in you. Go for it.

Fulfill your dreams and show the world what you're made of. Have a good one, everyone, and great to see you all. Bye.

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About the author 

Sheree King

Sheree, a Registered Nurse, Master Trainer, C.H.E.K. (Corrective High-Performance Exercise & Kinesiology) certified functional exercise specialist & PN (Precision Nutrition) certified nutrition specialist, is passionate about empowering women all over the world to become their best selves. She brings decades of experience and expertise in training women, and together with big dreams and a big vision has created a unique fitness programs to transform everyday lives to empowered success.

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