March 27, 2022

"So it's OK to be the Women over 50 you are today and then just sometimes the bravest and most important thing you can do is just to show up I don't know about you, but if i've been asked to do something sometimes i'll just accept The thing that i've been asked to do".

Listen, Watch or Read this recent Facebook Live on It's OK to be the Women over 50 you are (use timestamps below for guide).

Session timestamps and transcript:


Hi ladies, don't know who's out there watching me today, but I just thought I'm gonna start to come on and do a few lives just because I just get inspired by other women around me who are strong women and who do well despite the the hate that sometimes I feel and the pressure to be perfect So I'm just going to just talk a little bit about It's okay to be who you are and if life throws curveballs at you It's okay to fall apart and then pick yourself back up.

You just don't want to be staying there So anyway, my name is Sheree and I just love women. I love to inspire women. I love to strength train women I just love being around women guys too, but I just really particularly like being around Women and I'm just going to do my my little life today It's just a very short one from Brene Brown just talking a bit a few of her quotes and just talking about being Bold and being courageous to just show up.


[00.01.00] - Striving vs Perfectionism

Hi Rosie good You could join me and just want to say there's a difference between healthy striving and perfectionism Perfectionism stops us in our tracks sometimes because if we can't do something perfect, we're not going to do it at all So then we don't start or we stop because we kind of going it's not how I wanted to be It's not perfect but you know what that can be the worst thing if we're striving for Perfection that can actually stop us in our tracks and we can never achieve them We want what we want to achieve if we decided that things didn't need to be perfect And perfection often leads to depression anxiety Eating disorders I said all the time as a nurse and with friends, you know They develop eating disorders from being somebody that wants perfection in their life or wants to control their life to a point where? Where it's just how they want it to be but you know What life's not about that one of the best courses I've done is an ACT course acceptance and commitment therapy And I was talking about The guy that ran that course said we should teach our kids all when they start life life's going to be hard Life is going to throw curveballs at you.

It's going to be hard So when things go well, we feel like wow That's awesome rather than we expect then things are always going to go fine And when things don't we often will fall apart So if you have that expectation that things aren't going to always be great then you know What we can learn to live with the highs and lows a whole lot bit better So the other thing that Renee Brown talks about is getting to the arena of life.

[00.02.33] - Journey Courageously

I was a bit bored one night so I watched Renee Brown on a Courageous being courageous in your life kind of show and she was talking about get into the arena of life and by saying that I just mean doing what you know, you're called to do even if you have immense fear about doing it just get into the Arena of life now the hard thing about that. There's going to be people that hate you They're going to be people out there that hate people who succeed or at least trying to do the best that they can in life And they will pull you down There's trolls out there that will be so quick to give you their hate and tell you you will never succeed and go Go take your life at times I've seen that with people as well But the fact is if we never get into the arena of life we'll never know what it's like that we could have achieved something had we tried and So when we choose to forge ahead with our dreams and be seen we have spectators on the side Some of those spectators are going to be people who love us Some of those spectators on the side of the arena are going to be people who hate us We'll try and throw spears at us probably try and shoot us down Probably try and shoot us down in flames But you know what if we don't step out in out of our comfort zone and at least Start to do the things that we know we're called to do. We'll never know where we could have achieved them Maybe we won't but the thing I'm all about is failing forward So if at first you don't succeed you get up and you try and try again You don't stay where you are, but others will want to trample us along the way So just being aware of that that those people are people that don't know us They don't know our heart and they will throw so much hate I'm more than ever now in my life quick to block people who I feel are trying to pull me down Because of who I am or what thought systems I have that don't align with them. I just thought it a few days ago It's a very interesting thing because we had don't know if they still do it at school, but we had One team that was going to debate the other team and I love debating teams because it may not even be something you truly believe in but you can find a cause and a reason for everything so you have one point and you have the Debating team against or for and I love the fact that I could always understand both sides of it So I hope that you like me are in a place where we can hear the other person's story and kind of go Hmm, I see where they're coming from now. Brené Brown has a little quote to go with that.

She says we can choose Courage or we can choose comfort, but we can't have both not at the same time I think we can have both but sometimes it's it's that um that courage to step out of your comfort zone and go You know what? I don't know if I can do this like I didn't even know if I could ever do lives I'm a stutterer today. I'm having a good day because i'm not too Tired, but the fact is stepping out of my comfort zone Brings me more fulfillment that if I just stayed quiet and didn't ever do anything And the other thing that's a little quote from Brené Brown says that worthiness doesn't have prerequisites so ladies if you're not feeling that you're Worthy today for whatever reason you are worthy.

[00.05.40] - Worthiness doesn’t have Prerequisites

It doesn't have prerequisites There's nothing about us that has to change that people can't accept us for who we are. So be proud of who you are today and And then just sometimes the bravest and most important thing you can do is just to show up I don't know about you, but if i've been asked to do something sometimes i'll just accept The thing that i've been asked to do and yet I have no idea how i'm going to achieve it I'm, probably terrified. I can feel myself my heart beating in my chest I'll put myself out there for talks with rotary clubs probus clubs talking all about strength training I am shit scared.

Can I say it? I am so terrified Don't put I have the whole persona fake it till you make it type thing But inside i'm so scared and at times my speech has let me down and i've stumbled on a word Haven't been able to get it out, but i've passed on from that. I thought it is just what it is I can't do much about that um so just to show up can sometimes be the most courageous thing that you can do and well done if you do that because It is it is just means that you don't have to always be in that comfort zone for us to do something new And to know that we can do it.

We just have to step out of that comfort zone When we let go of trying to be everything to everyone We can then focus on the really important things in our lives and those people in our lives as well. So You know when we're trying to be everything to everyone and we can't say no and we say yes, i'll do that Yes, i'll do that. You know, I can sometimes take us away from family friends Maybe that friend that's been feeling really down that needs to spend time with us And we just um, we just say yes, there's too many things that aren't really what we're meant to be doing So really think about what it is that you're doing in your life right now that maybe you can cut out some things Maybe you can add some things but let's be authentically us and do those things that we know that we're we're meant to do Okay, good that you could join me. Um, our society has

Expectations of us that we'll never ever achieve Expectations to be slim and trim to be working out every day to have lippy on when the husband comes home and wash his feet Uh before you know, you serve the most delicious dinner to your very beautifully controlled kids Who are just the most meticulous behavior when they go to other people's places

Actually mine always did have amazing behavior when they went to other people's places and not so much at home Um, but you know what no great hairs, you know again We need to take the important things that mean things to us the things that align with us and handle those things That we know that we don't have time for if we can afford it a housekeeper maybe a dog walker You know or someone to take care of the kids for a few hours Well, we have time out to fulfill some of those things that we need to just really looking out for ourselves And I know it's hard when you're running a family and you are giving everything to your kids Um, it is really really important to take time out for yourselves I'm about to head over to victoria to give my my daughter who's got a young baby um four nights where she can have some time out with her husband they can go on date nights and things and I can look after my lovely little grandchild.


[00.08.53] - Embrace our Vulnerabilities

So yeah, and lastly but not least embrace our Vulnerabilities and nurture ourselves in times of darkness or hard times If times are struggling if you're struggling in the time you're going through now could be a marriage Breakup, it could be just one of your kids has gone to jail or something like that We need to really I believe so strongly pull ourselves just away from life Even if it's for a day and we're really focused on how we're going to get through that Work out if you need a psychologist see a psychologist fine So ask around friends who's got a good psychologist if you've got a good friend That can take you away for a day or spend time with you to hear what you've got to say I think that's so important really important Be kind to yourself and please give the same kindness to other people because we are all very very Different on this earth and we all have our own views and our own ways of thinking Thinking but with the kindness you hopefully extend to yourself And if you don't please extend yourself kindness and grace and please extend the same to others And I just want to end off with no when I was stuck over in victoria a few months ago I was as down as could be I was in a dark dark place Uh, and I really didn't know how I was going to cope after three days of crying non-stop I then sat down one night and I had this aha moment where I actually Actually thought I can do this. I actually am not I don't have to suffer with this with this feeling of Powerlessness I knew that I could do something about it So I picked myself up worked in victoria for a few weeks saw more of my grandkid and came home It's still something that does really irk me, but I got through it and it was just taking time out to really go Okay, how am I going to deal with this? So I just want to encourage all of you today Hi sandra all of you today out there If you're just not feeling enough You're just feeling like life's tough.

Take some time out for yourself Nurture yourself in whatever way that is Maybe not a gin because gin's meant to be a bit of a downer But for me it actually can make me feel good. Um And just just really look after yourself and look after after those around you as well But get the help of good friends get the help of good psychologists a good counselor Whatever you need to to get yourself through tough times that will come in our lives. It's not when uh, it's well It is when well It is that they we know that they'll come so just take good care of yourselves look after yourselves Love one another be kind and i'll see you next time.

Bye. Bye

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About the author 

Sheree King

Sheree, a Registered Nurse, Master Trainer, C.H.E.K. (Corrective High-Performance Exercise & Kinesiology) certified functional exercise specialist & PN (Precision Nutrition) certified nutrition specialist, is passionate about empowering women all over the world to become their best selves. She brings decades of experience and expertise in training women, and together with big dreams and a big vision has created a unique fitness programs to transform everyday lives to empowered success.

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