We believe that any exercise isn’t wasted exercise, even if it’s a few minutes repeated throughout the day. Try our Daily Strength Snacks challenge.
Don't discount the small, discount the not at all!
Sheree King
So what are DAILY STRENGTH SNACKS you ask?
Well simply put… It’s doing a little bit of something throughout the day
Think about it, our modern lifestyle can see us spending up to 15 hours a day sitting in a chair, with this inactivity taking a toll on both our body and mind.
Consider how we lived 50 or a 100+ years ago without many of the modern conveniences that give huge benefits on one hand, but have paved the way for a sedentary lifestyle on the other.
Compare that to todays construction, agricultural and other manual labouring workers who regularly have days of almost continuous movement. They maintain stronger bodies that can functionally move and respond when called upon without breaking (and yes, those long days of continued movement can lead to repetitive strain injuries).
What then, if you peppered throughout your day short bursts (2-5mins) of activity (Multi-Micro-Workouts or as we call them “Daily Strength Snacks”) between the longer periods (1-2+hrs) of inactivity, would that functionally benefit, strengthen and condition your body?
BELOW you'll find 4 of the Daily Strength Snacks we rollout over the 28 days.
Use these strength snack micro workouts to create your own Daily Strength Snacks at home, or join our Strong Zone PLUS Membership to access our 28 Day Strength Snacks Challenge.