Spicefitness - Transforming Unbreakable Women's Body's Over 50

Hi, Strong Woman!
We're passionate about empowering women over 50, with strong body's that are reliable, able to move well and unbreakable, so they can be the best they can be in their later years/decades - Without fads, gimmicks, secrets, or one-size-fits-all programs.

Sheree and the Spice Team.

is spicefitness? Listen to our story

Our story has been unfolding since 1982 culminating in our SpiceSTRONG programs that are transforming unbreakable women's body's over 50, but there's still much more yet to write.

Watch our video story or peruse the detailed story timeline below

Scroll our story timeline...

My Nursing Career Begins
My Nursing Career Begins

Having just graduated as a registered nurse in Tasmania (Australia), I’m going to head off to Perth, Queensland and the UK over the next decade. I’ll be taking the opportunity while I’m still young to adventure into a world of exotic places where I can visit natural outdoor wonders in so many incredible, different countries.  

Cycle 4500km for Love
Cycle 4500km for Love

I’ve met this cute guy on a group bike ride and before I know it, they’ve invited me to ride across Australia – from Fremantle Harbour to Coffs Harbour – with 30 other riders. So I figure, Why not?! He is cute! But he better make a move before the end of the ride or I’m outta’ here. I make it. He does. The rest is history.

Marriage & Kids
Marriage & Kids

Andrew and I are starting our married life living and working in Perth. Life is busy and dreams of future adventures start popping into our heads. Over the next decade we’re going to start raising our young family of four beautiful kids. My dreams might need to simmer away for a little while but I’m incredibly passionate about seeing women fulfil their potential so before we start a family, I’m putting the first step of my dream into place…

My Fitness Career Begins
My Fitness Career Begins

Yay… I’m training as a fitness instructor and just received my certification. I’ve begun attending a local church mum’s group with my first baby and I’m finding regular opportunities to empower women’s health. I’ll go on to study a heap of advanced nursing and fitness courses, fuelling my fascination with the workings of the human body, and empowering others to look after and understand their own bodies.

Travelled Australia Landing in Tasmania
Travelled Australia Landing in Tasmania

With four young children now, we’re feeling a call to relocate to Tasmania. We’ve loaded the 4wd and camper trailer up, and we’re taking the kids camping and out for all sorts of outback adventures before we settle down again. We leave our home in Perth, heading North, East, West and South, before settling into our new life in Hobart.

Start Invigor8 Bootcamp & Aerobics
Start Invigor8 Bootcamp & Aerobics

I’m now in a new place with a fresh vision. I’m venturing out by starting my own fitness business, Invigor8 Women’s Fitness – taking group classes in a local church, outdoor bootcamps, and Zumba dance fitness across wider Hobart. I’ve realised many women can’t continue Zumba because of sore knees, hips or ankles, which inspires me to look into strength training so I can support their continued participation.

Spice – Behind the Name
Spice – Behind the Name

When dreaming of opening a women’s fitness studio and I needed a name to encapsulate its purpose – Spice Health & Fitness is born. Why Spice?! Spices bring out flavours and add a zest, and that’s my desire for all the women we’re here to support. We believe in empowering the full flavour of strength, health, fitness, wellness and a zest for the impossible, in the life of every woman.

Spice Health & Fitness Studio
Spice Health & Fitness Studio

Finally we’ve leased a new facility and I’m realising our dream of opening a women’s training studio. We open January 2012! Through training thousands of women and listening to their stories, I’m gaining a precise understanding of women’s bodies and the barriers that hinder their goals. The disparities in success become even clearer as I watch the journey of women who are cardio focused versus those engaging primarily in strength training.

Voted Best Fitness Centre Hobart
Voted Best Fitness Centre Hobart

It’s always great to be recognised. Thank you to all those women who voted Spice Health & Fitness the Best Gym in Hobart this year! We’ve watched our four gorgeous kids move into adulthood and whilst encouraging them to chase their dreams and desires, it’s time to realise our dream of bringing functional strength training to women all over the world. I know we will be taking that same passion and energy into the online world in the near future, and then who knows what might happen…

Our Why unveiled
Our Why unveiled

Seeing women daily unlock purpose, destiny and wonder in their everyday lives has re-kindled the desire to impact women globally. Now, as our training focus narrows to functionally strengthen woman, our why and how have collided. Now, a vision to EMPOWER FUNCTIONALLY STRONG WOMEN EVERYWHERE is birthed. This results in a change of direction on how and where we are investing our time, and our perspective on the future for Spice Health & Fitness. READ MORE→    

Our Wellness Philosophy Formulated
Our Wellness Philosophy for Women Over 50

As we continue to narrow our focus towards strength training women, we are appreciating the need for a balanced lifestyle. Seeing many women we train plateau with strength levels, and looking deeper, we’ve realised sleep, diet and mindset are all factors that can sabotage or derail success if left unchecked. To support the strength success of these women, our Wellness Philosophy BELIEVE, NOURISH, STRONG, RESTORE, and associated programming, is formulated. READ MORE→

Qualified Advanced Functional Strength Coach
Qualified Advanced Functional Strength Coach

Whilst researching techniques and programs on how I can support the functional strength of my clients, I’ve undertaken and achieved the very difficult pathway of becoming an advanced Functional Movement/Exercise Coach through the Chek Institute. This has opened my eyes deeper to the benefits of functional strength and how I can now apply that to my clients not just in person, but also online, by offering detailed video guidance and programming.

Our Training Methodology Established
Our Training Methodology Established

Since the beginning I’ve been training women with typically traditional strength workout equipment, and even though I appreciate and address the need for strong core stability, the concept of complete functional strength – from head to toe, is profound in our training approach and methods, so we’ve overhauled our training to adopt the new S.P.I.C.E. STRONGâ„¢ Training Methodology practice of FREE-WEIGHT FUNCTIONAL STRENGTH MOVEMENT across all our programs. READ MORE→

Downsized our Studio
Strength Training Studio for Women Over 50 - Margate/Kingston

Our lease renewal approached, we’ve been thinking long and hard about our studio structure and if it is the right vehicle and environment to propel us into a future online training platform to bring functional strength training to women globally. We’ve decided to downsize to our smaller home-based studio, specialising in small group functional strength workouts, so we can pursue the development of our SPICE STRONG Online Program.

Qualified Nutrition Coach
Qualified Nutrition Coach

In the quest to offer and support our clients with a full wellness understanding and approach, I’ve just received my certification as a Level 1 Nutrition Coach through the globally recognised Precision Nutrition organisation. It’s great to be strong, but we know it’s very easy to derail good intentions with the wrong fuel. Balancing this and our other wellness philosophy practices, is giving us a professional edge in functional strength training.

SpiceSTRONG Online Launched
SpiceSTRONG Online Launched

We’ve launched SpiceSTRONG Online, fulfilling our dream of establishing an online pathway for women to achieve functional strength, and you are only moments away from starting a pathway to achieving YOUR functional strength success. We’d love to meet you in our online membership platform and support you to become a functionally strong woman.

The “STRONG ZONE” Fourmula Programming Protocol Formulated
The “STRONG ZONE” Fourmula Programming Protocol Formulated

Outcome focused programming that fuels desire for betterment in complementary wellness areas has always been our intent when working with clients. Seeing improved workout discipline as we supported better mindset pathways, increased their desire to be more committed with nutrition. Leading us to develop our cyclical ‘STRONG ZONE’ FOURMULA protocol.

Re-Branding our Focus
Re-Branding our Focus

MAKING WOMEN OVER 50 UNBREAKABLE. It’s amazing how one simple slogan, or tagline as its referred, can completely sum up everything you’ve been seeking for decades to achieve in empowering the bodies of women 50 and beyond. But this simple line “Making women over 50 unbreakable” sums it all up. Whether it’s physically with muscles, bones, strength and stamina. Or mentally with willpower, grit, resilience and confidence. Our intent is that every woman has the body to fearlessly make unbreakable moments that matter in and around her life, for years/decades to come.

are we passionate about transforming unbreakable women's body's over 50?

Because every Woman has an amazing
Purpose, Destiny, Wonder and Adventure to unlock.
And we don’t want to see a weak and limiting body get in the way of that.

Our vision is to empower ALL women, through empowering their body, that in-turn empowers their future and those around them.

If a vision doesn't appear impossible, it's not vision.
It's just safe.

- Sheree King -

is our Health & Wellness Philosophy in transforming unbreakable women's body's over 50 ?

At Spice we understand the key to sustained success is balancing a lifestyle that feeds the four wellness pillars.

We'll help you...

You're Amazing, Resilient, Capable, Beautiful... BELIEVE IT!

Developing new health and wellness habits is both physical and psychological. At Spice we create an environment of encouragement and support and share important mindset strategies to help you achieve success, now and into the future. Lasting change for mind and body is our intent, and we support you through all the ups and downs of your wellness journey.
At Spice, we believe in you!

Your Body was Designed to be Strong... STRENGTHEN IT!

Our Spice philosophy is to make your body work functionally for everyday tasks, goals and challenges. Training is functional, achievable and adapted to ANY body - young, old, fit or infirm. There are no gut busting workouts, but instead we develop strength, endurance and mobility, progressing you along at your own pace, empowering for active daily living, adventures or unexpected moments!

Transform your Body from the Inside Out... NOURISH IT!

Health and wellness involves nourishing your body, moving it regularly, and caring for your mind. At Spice we teach you how to eat well with four simple and sustainable nutrition principles - unprocessed, moderate, balanced and enjoyable. In an era of fast fad diets, we believe in a holistic approach, supporting you to make small lasting changes that become achievable and set you on the path to success.

Every Body Needs to Rest & Recover... RESTORE IT!

Living in a fast-paced world, we teach you how to rest, recover and restore, your body, mind and soul. We teach you habit-changing pathways to improve sleep and reduce stress, and we ensure all our training programs are structured with time and techniques to support recovery. Rest and recovery is crucial at any age, but particularly important as you get older and when engaging in an exercise program.

For a more in depth article on our wellness philosophy refer to our blog post - READ MORE→

do we strength train for transforming unbreakable women's body's over 50 at Spice?

SpiceSTRONG isn't an overnight idea. Having worked with women's bodies for over 2+ decades we've been able to apply, review and adapt many strength training techniques to develop specialist strength transformation programming that empowers women's bodies to work functionally for them.
Now, we've adapted this from the studio environment to online, so women anywhere, anytime can attain the same functional strength transformations that we see EveryDay.


We use free-weights and bodyweight to strengthen and tone your muscles, integrating aerobic endurance, core strength and stability into all our exercises for a full body workout. We help you find a starting point then use different loads and intensities to adapt movements for varying fitness levels, abilities and physical limitations. As you become stronger and fitter, the program grows with you!


Our methodology is function-focused, replicating movements in everyday life, from chopping wood and carrying luggage, to lifting groceries and pushing wheelbarrows. Unlike training with traditional machines in large facilities, functional movement exercises incorporate twisting, turning, pushing and pulling, with strength, flexibility, and stability, just like you experience in everyday life!


There’s increasing awareness of the benefits of strength training for everyone, and as we age, developing strong muscles and good balance is even more important - not as a weight loss or body image tool, but a preventative measure against chronic disease and conditions such as osteoporosis, arthritis and back pain. A strong body boosts confidence and independence, bringing the freedom to explore more aspects of life. Be aware, muscle not used deteriorates!


Movement through injury, illness, ageing or mindset can limit mobility, leading to many giving up and accepting their limitations. At Spice we design programs to target muscle chains and include stability and flexibility in every session. Ordinary movements like getting up and down off the sofa, picking something up from the floor, or stepping off the kerb all use multiple muscles, require strength, and benefit from greater flexibility and stability.

For a more in depth article on our training methodology refer to our blog post - READ MORE→

how life-long success is sustained in transforming unbreakable women's body's over 50  !

At Spice we believe that life-long strength transformation can't be achieved, let alone sustained in isolation from:

  • You Moving, so it begins to happen.
  • Your ongoing Belief that it can happen.
  • Your preparedness to Nourish, so it does happen.
  • Your willingness to Restore, so it can continue to happen.

This is why we have married our wellness philosophy and training methodology into our STRONG ZONE fourmula protocol across most of our SpiceSTRONG programming, particularly our online, hybrid and retreat programs.

This lifestyle protocol, re-programs your body to function in the STRONG ZONE, setting you up for LIFE-LONG success.


We're passionate about creating simple and sustainable wellness practices that enable every client to achieve their goals. We believe you’re never too old and it’s never too late to change. Our programs are tailored to enable you to participate safely and with encouragement to keep moving towards a strong, healthy body now and into the future. A body that enables you take on any everyday situation you find yourself in, or goal, challenge, vacation you have on the horizon. We support you to achieve anything you set your mind to!


Our passion is to empower women to be all they can be through our Spice Strong Online Training fitness program, supported by nutrition and mindset education. As your health and fitness grows you’ll unlock an empowerment you never knew you had. An empowered woman has the knowledge, confidence, means, ability and strength to be her best self through all life offers us, and we will support you to become the woman you want to be.


Knowing that every woman has a unique story filled with unique experiences, we embrace that uniqueness as you embark on your fitness journey. Spice programs are filled with variety to support your goals and bring empowering experiences into your life. Recapturing experiences of a body that can now do things you once thought where behind you. Life is here to be lived - fill it with everything you want to d


At Spice we provide education and training for everyday women, to support everyday life, and we know it’s everyday efforts that bring long lasting change to tackle everyday challenges that were once physical limitations. We practice what we preach by presenting achievable and varied workouts presented by women just like you!

Regardless of your age you can Reclaim a Body that will...


START Your Strength Transformation Journey TODAY

SpiceSTRONG Online - Studio - Hybrid - Retreat, making women's bodies strong everyday,
even bodies that don't appear to work anymore.
